Research Areas

  • Ground Handling
Studies in this field focus on the organizational structure of ground handling companies, passenger services, ramp services, load control, communication and flight operation activities, cargo services, and security services.
  • Airline Transportation
Studies on airline companies constitute an important part of research in this field. There are many studies focusing on the organizational structure, organizational behavior and culture of airline companies, and performance indicators.
  • Airport Industry
Airports today constitute a sector with a very high commercial potential and provide significant socio-economic contributions to the national economies. Therefore, there are many studies focusing on the operation and management types, ownership structures, public-private partnership models, performance indicators, and income and expense structures of airports.
  • Aviation Information Technologies
The use of information technologies in aviation affects both the performance of enterprises and customer satisfaction in various ways. There are many studies on the effects of the use of advanced technologies in the aviation industry.
  • Safety and Quality Management Systems in Aviation
Many regulations have been introduced by international organizations in order to carry out air transport activities in a safe, secure, and efficient manner. Safety and Quality Management Systems offer unique standards adopted by businesses for safe, secure, and efficient air transport. Studies on the effect of management systems on the business performance show the contribution of these systems to the sector.
  • Aviation Financing
The financial structures, income-expenditure, and costs of airport and airline businesses and the relations between them are the subjects discussed in this field.
  • Management and Organization
Organizational structures of businesses, management approaches and the interaction of organizational culture with business components are among the topics discussed in this field.